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Writer's pictureAngela Rajnigandha

Persephone: Queen of the Underworld

Persephone's descent into the underworld is a powerful myth in Greek mythology that

symbolizes transformation and the cyclical nature of life. According to the legend, Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of the harvest, was abducted by Hades and taken to the underworld to be his queen. 

Grief-stricken, Demeter searched for her daughter and neglected her duties, causing the earth to become barren. Eventually, Zeus intervened and negotiated Persephone's partial return. However, because she had eaten pomegranate seeds in the underworld, she was bound to spend part of the year with Hades. This cycle explains the seasons: when Persephone is with Hades, Demeter mourns, and autumn and winter come; when Persephone returns, Demeter rejoices, and spring and summer follow. 

Persephone’s abduction and descent into the underworld mark a period of profound change and growth. Despite her initial distress, she comes to terms with her new role, finding strength and sovereignty in a realm that initially seemed dark and unfamiliar. She did not just learn to tolerate her new life in the underworld, she embraced it and discovered another side to her being. She was never merely the delicate maiden of spring. She always had this dark queen within her, just waiting to be drawn out.  She grew to love Hades and her new role as Queen of the Underworld. 

Persephone’s journey represents the transition from light to dark, echoing the seasonal shift we are now experiencing during the autumn equinox, making this the perfect opportunity to explore our own darker aspects and the power that resides there. 

Now, let’s not confuse the word “darkness” for “evil” or “bad”. Our darker aspects are the sides of our personality that we offten feel the need to suppress. These may be feelings of anger, fear, or sadness. These are parts of us that society and the spiritual community has taught us are “bad” and need to be healed or fixed. We are not all “love and light”, rainbows and unicorns. These aspects of ourselves are raw, ugly, and chaotic. 

But, let me tell you, there is no better fuel for change than anger. No better motivator to heal than sadness. And no better push to take charge than fear. These emotions are powerful and essential parts of the human experience and can serve as catalysts for growth, transformation, and empowerment. When acting with integrity and honor, we can embrace our darker aspects, channeling the potential they hold. 

When these feelings arise in your daily life, try not to immediately stifle them, and refrain from labeling them as something “bad” that must be resolved. Sit with them. Feel them. What are they trying to show you? How can you use the force of those emotions constructively?   It may look like fiercely standing your ground when a boundary is crossed. It may be righteous anger, fighting for justice. It can be self-defense. Or finally becoming so fed up with a situation that you yell out “that’s enough!”. 

Acting from your darker aspects with integrity is the epitome of the phrase “Do no harm, But take no shit”. The world we live in is not all love and light. It is a beautiful balance of light and dark. Both needed and both to be valued. 

Neglecting or fearing your darker aspects can cause internal imbalance and feelings of powerlessness, weakness, codependency, and passiveness. Suppressing the power of those darker emotions can also cause them to manifest in more destructive forms such as rage, violence, depression, or despair. 

Remember, there is a time for 'love and light,' and there is a time for raising Hell. Embracing both sides with intention and integrity allows us to live authentically and powerfully. In this season of transformation, may you find strength in all aspects of yourself, and may your journey through the darkness lead to newfound clarity and growth. Blessings to you all.

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